"I absolutely love Sven's illustrations, they are a wonderful interpretation of my lyrics."
Deutschlandradio Kultur
"Ein wunderschönes, vieltöniges Kinderbuch"
Stuttgarter Zeitung
How does one explain pain? Originally destined for his son's bedroom walls, these bright illustrations by Sven Völker have become a picture book of intense emotions transforming Sting’s words into a captivating children’s book. »There’s a Little Black Spot on the Sun Today« deals with the abstract subject of pain in a remarkable way, exploring all it’s facets. Concentrating on geometric shapes with sharp distinct edges and color, Völker has created a highly evocative interpretation of Sting’s poetic words. He puts them together in a variety of ways and combinations to create a range of impressive and color-intense images that visualize the pain.
Picture Book
NordSüd Verlag
21,5 x 28 cm
44 pages
ISBN: 978-3-314-10305-6
21,5 x 28 cm
44 pages
ISBN: 978-3-314-10305-6

Exhibition at Sevenstar Gallery Berlin and Sting signing a special edition print in Berlin 2015