Go Faster – The Graphic Design of Racing Cars
You'd never guess it, but most race cars of the 1970s – were designed by sheer chance. Mechanics and team members – not designers or marketing strategists – adorned racecars with all of those flashy stripes, logos, numbers and colors prevalent at any Formula 1 race today. After compiling more than 100 examples of sleek cars from this glory age, Go Faster-author Sven Völker takes us for a joy ride at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart for a whip-fast lesson in competitive war paint, visual anarchy and piggish car designs.
Gestalten Publishers
Sven Völker
Der Welt über die Straße helfen - Designstudien im Anschluss an eine philosophische Überlegung
Peter Sloterdijk & Sven Völker
Peter Sloterdijk & Sven Völker
If the modern "expert" can do less but better, he becomes increasingly incompetent in a world that is becoming more and more complex, here the designer comes into play. The designer gives him the the assistance that allows him to maintain a good figure in the constant spiral of increasing competence. Thus Peter Sloterdijk also calls designer products accessories of sovereignty and translates the concept of design in the sense of Heidegger with 'das Zeug zur Macht'. In dealing with such stuff, the modern person acquires a virtue that is traditionally called 'composure'. Sloterdijk calls it: passivity competence. In this little book, Sven Völker adds his own writings and a selection of his students' design projects to Peter Sloterdijk's philosophical reflections.
Wilhelm Fink Verlag
Some Book
Maria Franke, Verena Lupberger,
Tom Zander, Sven Völker
Maria Franke, Verena Lupberger,
Tom Zander, Sven Völker
Graphic Expressions between Design and Art. With contributions by Magne Furuholmen, Liam Gillick, Eugen Gomringer, Ellen Lupton, László Moholy-Nagy, Michael Schirner, Sven Völker and Beat Wyss.
Lars Müller Publishers
Lars Müller Publishers
This Is The Suzuki Brand, 2006
Beyond The Borders, 2000
Glove Box Book, 2004